Wednesday, March 28, 2012


damn touchpads......
I have a query:
SELECT id, name, rank, serial_number from status
this will return many rows...if all values are null for a single row, i need
to be able to assign a unique "id" for that row (PK constraint on another
table) is there a way to do this so that for each row that has NULL values
across all columns. This way I can populate with an incrementing or otherwis
unique value (using d1, d2, d3... here)
id name rank serial_number
d1 null null null
d2 null null null
34r bill 0-6 4420
d3 null null null
d4 null null null
TIA!You can try using the following:
NOTE: This recreates the status table (truncate + re-populate)
create table status
(id varchar(10),
[name] varchar(10),
rank varchar(10),
serial_number varchar(10))
insert into status
values (null,null,null,null)
insert into status
values ('34r','bill','0-6','4420')
insert into status
values (null,null,null,null)
insert into status
values (null,null,null,null)
insert into status
values (null,null,null,null)
create table #status
(RowID int identity (1,1),
id varchar(10),
[name] varchar(10),
rank varchar(10),
serial_number varchar(10))
create table #status2
(RowID int identity (1,1),
id varchar(10),
[name] varchar(10),
rank varchar(10),
serial_number varchar(10))
insert into #status
select * from status
insert into #status2
select * from status
update #status
set id = 'd'+convert(varchar(10), s.RowID)
from #status s, #status2 s2
where s.RowID = s2.RowID
and is null
truncate table status
insert into status
SELECT id, name, rank, serial_number from #status
select * from status
drop table #status
drop table #status2
Hope it helps
"JMNUSS" wrote:

> damn touchpads......
> I have a query:
> SELECT id, name, rank, serial_number from status
> this will return many rows...if all values are null for a single row, i ne
> to be able to assign a unique "id" for that row (PK constraint on another
> table) is there a way to do this so that for each row that has NULL values
> across all columns. This way I can populate with an incrementing or otherw
> unique value (using d1, d2, d3... here)
> id name rank serial_number
> --
> d1 null null null
> d2 null null null
> 34r bill 0-6 4420
> d3 null null null
> d4 null null null
> d5....
> TIA!

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