Wednesday, March 28, 2012



I have three queries that I have to put together and they are based on the SELECT and GROUP BY.

1st Query requirement:
group the Employees by Job Code. Use a SELECT query.and modify the SQL

My answer is (and I'm not able to see the actual names and job codes):
SELECT 'EmployeeID' AS EmployeeID, 'FirstName' AS FirstName, 'LastName' AS LastName, 'JobTitleCode' AS JobTitleCode
FROM Employees_Table
GROUP BY EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, JobTitleCode
ORDER BY JobTitleCode;

2nd Query requirement:
group the Employees by Salary. Use a SELECT Query and modify the SQL

My answer is (and very similar to the above, I'm not seeing the information):
SELECT 'Employee ID' AS EmployeeID, 'FirstName' AS FirstName, 'LastName' AS LastName, 'Salary' AS Salary
FROM Employees_Table
GROUP BY EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, [Salary]
ORDER BY [Salary];

Last Query requirement:
group the Employees by Salary within their Job Code. Use a SELECT Query and modify the SQL

My rough draft answer (not really sure at this point :-( is:
SELECT 'First Name' AS FirstName, 'Last Name' AS LastName, 'Salary' AS Salary
FROM Employees_Table
GROUP BY 'Salary', 'Job Title Code';

Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time!Looks like a homework...Are you sure the fieldnames are spelled correctly? I don't think your queries will run...

1st - ...will give an error on invalid field name
2nd - ...will do the same
3rd - ...same difference

But conceptually ... I don't think you are answering the questions. You need to loose GROUP BY and reverse the order of the fields in ORDER BY clause.|||Yes, the field names in my database are spelled the same exact way as I've listed them in the SQL statements?

Any other words of advice?

Thanks for your time.|||Yes, the field names in my database are spelled the same exact way as I've listed them in the SQL statements?

Any other words of advice?

Thanks for your time.
So, you're saying that 'EmployeeID' and 'Employee ID' are the same field or 2 different fields?|||You are correct and I've modified to the new statements below:

Query 1:
SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, JobTitleCode
FROM Employees_Table
GROUP BY EmployeeID, FirstName, JobTitleCode
ORDER BY JobTitleCode;

Query 2:
SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, [Salary]
FROM Employees_Table
WHERE Salary>45000
GROUP BY EmployeeID, FirstName, [Salary]
ORDER BY [Salary];

I hope I'm going in the correct direction with my answers?

Thanks for your responses!|||See my first post (loose GROUP BY, because you're not doing any aggregation)sql

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